Tips to reduce the effects of poor posture
While at work, you slouch in your chair as you slowly fatigue after a day in the office. When you get home, you want to unwind so you spend a few hours in the garden with your back hunched forward. Or perhaps you prefer to…
Combat the effects of sitting all day
The problem with sitting all day is the lack of movement for your spine. Movement of your spine is what stimulates your brain function. If you are sitting for the majority of your day, this can lead to detrimental effects on your long term health….
Tips to correctly set up your work station
If you are in a position where you sit all day either at a desk, in a car or even at machinery, the effect of poor posture while sitting for long periods can be having a negative impact on your health. Often people who are…
What should you do about shoulder pain?
Our goal through Chiropractic for shoulder injuries is to restore the full range of movement to the shoulder girdle. This also includes improving the function of the cervical (neck) and thoracic (mid back) spines as the nerves from these areas supply the shoulder. Abnormal function…
Plantar Fasciitis: Advice for home
To understand more about what plantar fasciitis is, and the potential causes, please read the previous blog post. You can find it here: So, what can you do at home to reduce pain and inflammation? Go Barefoot – Barefoot is important as the ligament…
Pain under the foot- What is it?
Plantar fasciitis is a condition of the foot seen mostly in adults. It is a condition where the tissue that runs under the sole of the foot, called the plantar fascia, is inflamed and may have tiny tears. These tears are very painful and create…